Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Blogs To Follow in 2020

RandomTrees – We Manage consulting services to identify and prioritize enterprise scenarios to evaluate if you are ready to absorb AI capabilities to generate impact across the enterprise. Fully developed methodology to manage your end-to-end AI transformation. We are into Technology consulting services to integrate enterprise systems and other backend systems with AI services supported by human-centric design resulting in an enterprise-ready AI solutions.

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1. AI Trends is one of the top media channels in the Artificial Intelligence sector. Great news for those who like attending conferences — they hold annual AI World Conference and Expo .

2. Dr. Jason Brownlee can show you the way out if you feel lost in the dark forest of machine learning. His vast experience in AI and applying machine learning to weather forecasting and defense industries allow him to write useful articles and books on the topic .

3. Smart future, intelligent applications, deep learning. Future is closer than you think, Algorithmia will prove it .

4. Ultimate source of the latest AI news is the NewsFinder that scans trusted websites and collects the bests pieces of information. By the way, it is an application of AI itself. So check out what a machine’s prepared for you to read .

5.  know how the future will look like and are ready to prepare you for the changes. No fortune-telling, only fact-based information here.

6. One more application of AI is a chatbot. And this creation has already a magazine dedicated only to chatbot issues. Details about Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack, and NLP .

7. “Best place to learn about chatbots.” Yes, and also about AI, NLP, and its application .

8. This is where science, technology, and futurism overlap. Discover robotics, nanotechnology, and future of gadgets with .

9. A team of 60 AI researchers in OpenAI are working hard to give you the gist of AI capabilities and build a safe future based on smart machine usage .

10. Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) mission is “to ensure that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact.” How it can be achieved and what do they do read here .